Accounting & Finance Solutions
By removing paper from accounting and finance departments, your document creation, review and approval processes are more efficient and secure – saving time and money.
Our solutions automates business processes, allowing your employees to focus on more important tasks instead of searching for paper-based documents and information.
Audit trails, instant reporting and executive dashboards provide additional real-time insight into processes, helping your organization proactively meet compliance standards and regulations.
Typical Solutions
Capital Expenditure Management
OnBase promotes faster inter-departmental processing, better decision-making and allows other departments and locations to share critical information.
Contract Management
Streamline creation and review of customer contracts and store them in one, central location for amendments and contract lifecycle management.
Financial Close & Reporting
The flexibility of OnBase lets you make steady and sustainable improvements in manageable increments, so you don’t disrupt monthly financial close processes.
Requisition Approval
Requisition approval solution allows you to store electronic copies of all documents so they can be accessed at any time directly from your company’s ERP.
Eliminate paper to speed up accounting and finance processes
Speed up your finance and accounting processes by adding OnBase to your organization. OnBase promotes faster inter-departmental processing, better decision-making and allows other departments and locations to share critical information.
And, with ShareBase by Hyland, you can easily and securely share your financial documents with auditors, creditors, and other third parties to speed processing even further. The natural interaction between ShareBase and OnBase allows you to share financial records automatically as part of the financial close solution, regardless of whether recipients have access to OnBase.

“Onbase gives us visibility. It adds accuracy and stability to the entire financial close process”
Brian Vondran, corporate controller, RTI International Metals
Solution Benefits
Accounts Payable
OnBase takes documents that drive AP processes and maximizes the benefits that can be achieved by fast, efficient and precise invoice processing.
Accounts Receivable
With OnBase, Accounts Receivable staff sees exactly what’s coming in and going out in real-time, making cash flow management more accurate.
Financial Close Process
The OnBase financial close solution focuses on the human side of the close, helping you streamline your processes and tasks from start to finish.
Procurement & Purchasing
OnBase Purchasing solutions bring in a linear approach to purchase requisitions and the information handled by your procurement team for a streamlined process you never thought possible.
Vendor Management
OnBase Vendor Management Solutions streamline the process of managing information and documents associated with your Accounts Payable vendors.